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SAMA continuous casting machine for billets, blooms and slabs, either greenfield or revamping

As continuous casting machine manufacturers for billets, blooms and slabs, SAMA designs and produces its machinery through innovative and cutting-edge technical solutions, to guarantee the product highest quality and reliability.

SAMA CCM are studied and realized in order to manufacture a wide range of steel and semi-finished products, such as:

• Billets, blooms and slabs
• With open or protected casting
• Standard and special steel (low, medium, high carbonium)

SAMA can realize green field project or revamping with high quality products and machinery efficiency.

Billets and blooms

Thanks to its own engineering, SAMA study and realize continuous casting for billets and blooms, either greenfield or revamping, personalized on customers’ requirements and can guarantee products high quality,

Range of steel goes from the most common commercial steel, up to the very special ones.


Thanks to its own engineering, SAMA study and realize continuous casting for slabs, either greenfield or revamping, personalized on customers’ requirements and can guarantee products high quality,

SAMA casting machines can reach plural range of sections and dimensions, reducing lost of time, for customer satisfaction.

The ability to cast a wide range of steel, with different thicknesses and width on the same casting machine, allows the customer to comply quickly to the market demands.

Range of steel goes from the most common commercial steel, up to the very special ones.

sama brescia
Tel +39 030 964916
Via Italo Calvino 4,
25018 Montichiari (BS)
P.IVA 01777260983 - iscr. BS 48673 - Cap. Soc. i.v. € 99.000